Pardon Me! Powders - One month supply
This Powder can assist with upset tummies within a few hours , a superfast boost to re balance
Contains: Psyllium Husk, Coconut Whey, Ground Flaxseed, Fennel Seed, Thepax pre and pro biotics & enzymes
Instructions for use: Add 1 teaspoon twice a day to food
very small animals/breed halve the amount shown above, large breeds over 15kg can be given double the amount shown above for the first packet
Herbal Pet Supplies Support Powders and Tonics are 100% natural pet products containing herbal and plant extracts.
All Tonics and Powders contain the RDA of supplements
Our Small Size Powders are one months supply based on two teaspoons daily
Add your pets powders to their food or customers feedback for the most fussy of pets to add to treats such as yogurt, pate or cream cheese
Store in a cool, dry place. Keep out of direct sunlight