Leucillin Spray 250ml
Versatile, fast-acting skincare spray kills pathogens, soothes irritations, and is safe for all pets, skin types, and sensitive areas.
- For all skincare needs
- 100% safe
- Non-toxic, Non-Irritant
The power of science with a holistic approach Leucillin cleverly works in harmony with the body's own defence mechanism. Leucillin excels in all areas of topical skin management including, minor wounds, stubborn microbial overgrowth, bites, stings and skin irritations, dry, itchy, flaky or smelly skin, weepy eyes, irritated ears and eye care and the management of the symptoms of allergies. Leucillin's soothing and calming no-sting, fast acting formula makes caring for their skin, ears and eye and wrinkles, painless and stress free. Leucillin can safely be used and applied by all making caring for your fur family easy, meaning their time is spent enjoying life more.
- One versatile product for all skincare needs - Kills pathogens on contact for fast, effective first aid and skincare
- Fast acting anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal formula - For all skin health from cuts, scratches and bites, weepy eyes, irritated ears, itchy inflamed skin to freshening the coat of smelly skin suffers
- 100% safe, non-toxic, non-irritant - Safe cleansing for ears, eyes, sensitive, and broken skin
- Quickly relieves, soothes and calms - Maintains healthy itch-free skin, effective skin soothing for topical management of allergies
- Safe to all skin types, contains NO steroids, antibiotics or alcohols - Cleaning and sanitizing skinfolds in brachycephalic breeds
- For use on all mammals, birds and reptiles - Non-invasive care for nervous pets or non-domestic animals
Suitable for: Dogs, Cats, Bearded Dragons, Leopard Geckos, Chameleons, Tortoises, Turtles and Terrapins, Corn Snakes, Spiders, Tree Frogs, Crested Gecko, Royal Python, Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Ferrets, Chinchillas, Degus, Rats, Gerbils, Syrian Hamsters, Dwarf Hamsters, Mice, Budgies, Canaries, Cockatiels, Finches, Love Birds, Parakeets, Parrots, Chickens, Quail, Hedgehogs, Squirrels, Blackbirds, Blackcaps, Blue Tits, Bullfinches, Buntings, Chaffinches, Coal Tits, Collared Doves, Ducks, Dunnocks, Goldfinches, Great Tits, Greenfinches
Not suitable for: Aquatic animals such as fish